Benjamin H. Sothoron

Named in maternal grandfather's will of 1817 (see his Notes).


John Fanand's List for the year includes credits for Mary Ann E. Sothoron & Benjamin H. Sothoron. (Treasurer’s Account {MSA M227 & M258}, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD, 1832.06.09)

Teresa Beaven b. abt 1803, Charles Co., MD to Walter Beaven & Charity Simpson; m. 21 Aug 1832, Bryantown, Charles Co., MD, Benjamin Sothoron. (* World Tree - Genealogy of Lillie Riney, by Lillie Riney)

Benjamin Sothoron & Teresa Beadie were married on 21 August 1832 at Mattawoman, Charles Co., MD. (* - Records of the congregation of Mattawoman, 1793-1861- Batch 507931, Source 0013759, Printout 1205002)

Benjamin Sothoron married Teresa Beaven (born 1803), daughter of Walter Beaven (born 1750, Charles Co., MD) & Charity Simpson. Date not given. (Sneirson*)

See children’s Notes for births & Roman Catholic christenings.

** Land records - Maryland

Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sells to Thomas Carrico of Charles Co. for $700, part of Loving Brothers where Richard Sothoron of Charles Co. dec'd lived, 100 acres. Wife of Sothoron not mentioned. Witness: Jonathan Hughes, Benjamin Adams. (IB#22:419, Charles Co., 1837.05.12, Recorded 1837.05.23)

William Sothoron & Christiana his wife, of George Town, Washington Co., D.C. deed to George Chappelear of St. Mary’s Co. for $825, part of Skegsby, purchased by William of Capt. George Dent, in the whole 200 acres. All but 25 acres laid out by William on west side thereof & annexed to his own farm Sothoron's Desire, now occupied by Benjamin H. Sothoron, and being divided from the rest by a fence running north & south & running from Spring Branch to the main road leading to Benedict. The remaining 175 acre tract now in the possession of George Chappelear. (Abstracts F#1{StM#3A}:537, St. Mary’s Co., 1839.11.16, Recorded 1840.01.28)

Indenture of 12 Nov 1845 between Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia City, Dentist, & Ann his wife; and Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,250 Sothoron is conveyed property in St. Mary's Co. of about 125 acres, together with house & lot of ground purchased of John Estep; also all of tract called Sothorons Venture containing about 27 acres; also all of tract called Long Looked for come at Last, containing 37 1/2 acres & purchased of George Burroughs Jr. by Richard Sothoron; also all of portion of tract called Scegby remaining unsold by Wm. Sothoron to George Chappeleair (sic) purchased of George Dent, containing about 50 acres; also all of portiion of Scegby purchased of James Burroughs containing about 1 acre & 9 perches; also all of Long Looked for come at Last purchased of George Burroughs Sr. containing about 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches & being same premises which William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. aforesaid by deed dated 29 July 1828 conveyed to said Jacob Gilliams in fee. Signed by J. & Ann Gilliams. Wit: William Sothoron. Certified 12 Nov 1845 in Philadelphia, PA; recorded in St. Mary's Co., MD 10 May 1846. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records WTM#1:51)

Indenture of 14 May 1853 between Benjamin H. Sothoron & wife Teresa, "now of the City of Washington;" and Leonard H Canter of Charles Co., MD. For $2,800 Canter purchases several tracts of land in St. Mary's Co., MD: Sothorons Desire, containing about 125 acres, with house & lot purchased of Jno. Estep; Sothorons Venture, containing about 27 acres, Long looked for come at last, containing about 37 1/2 acres, purchased of George Burrough by Richard Sothoron; part of Scegby remaining unsold by Wm. Sothoron to George Chappelaier & purchased of George Dent, containing about 50 acres; part of Scegby purchased of James Burroughs containing about 1 acre & 9 perches; portion of Long looked for come at last purchased of George Burroughs containing 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches, being the same premises which William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD by deed dated 29 July 1828 conveyed to Jacob Gilliams in fee. Signed by B.H. Sothoron, Teresa Sothoron by her mark. Wit: Geo. N. Alvey, H. Mattingly. Certified 14 May 1853, recorded 4 Aug 1853. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JTB#1:472)

Deed recorded 8 Dec 1863 at request of Andrew E. Canter. Deed of 10 June 1863 by Benjamin H. Sothoron & wife Teresa Sothoron. For $100 they convey to Canter parcels known as Farthings Discovery & Hard Fortune, containing about 10 acres. Part of land the late Resin Davis & Elizabeth Thomas died seized & possessed, and now adjoining lands of said Canter the heir of Joseph Montgomery & Levi Nutwell. Signed by B. H. Sothoron; and Teresa Sothoron her mark. Witnessed by Thos. Martin, certified 11 June 1863. (Charles Co., MD Land Records GWC#1:335)

Deed recorded 13 June 1863 at request of Benjamin H. Sothoron. Internal Revenue Stamp $1.00. Deed of 10 June 1863 by Thomas Martin, substituted trustee. Decree of 1 Dec 1853 by Circuit Court of Charles Co., MD, sitting in Equity, in case of Leonard S. Robey next friend to Mary Thomas etc vs. Reasin Davis. John T. Brady was appointed trustee to sell some land, and sold it to Benjamin H. Sothoron for $787.65, collecting $100 on day of sale. Sothoron has paid the balance to substitute trustee Thomas Martin. Lands are conveyed to Sothoron, being 2 tract contiguous to one another, known as "Part of Farthing's Discovery" and "Hard Fortune," containing a total of about 177 acres. Bounded on north by land of heirs of Joseph Montgomery, on east by lands of heirs of Frances S. Canter & Eliza. Canter, on south by lands of John Moran & Chapman Lyon, on west by land of heirs of William Morton & that of Levi Nutwell. Signed by Thomas Martin, witnessed by Robey & J.T. Thomas, certified 10 June 1863. (Charles Co., MD Land Records GWC#1:281)

Deed recorded 13 June 1863 at request of James K. & George H. Morris. Internal Revenue Stamp $2.00). Deed of 11 June 1863 by Benjamin H. Sothoron & wife Teresa Sothoron. For $1,500 Sothorons convey contiguous parcels known as "Part of Farthing's Discovery" & "Hard Fortune," about 167 acres. Adjoining lands of Andrew E. Canter & heirs of Frances S. Canter on east, John H. Moran & Thomas C. Lyon on south, Levi Nutwell & heirs of William Morton on west, & on south by main road from Benedict to Thomas Carrico's mill. Same lands as sold by decree of 1 Dec 1853 to Sothoron. Signed by B.H. Sothoron; Teresa Sothoron by her mark. Witnessed by Rufus Robey & Thomas Marlton. Certified 11 June 1863. (Charles Co., MD Land Records GWC#1:281)

U.S. Stamp of $6.50.  Deed of 7 Aug 1868 by Frederick L. Dent & wife Lydia S. For $6,500 they convey to Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD all property which the late Levi Dent died, seized & possessed, containing about 300 acres & known by name of Charlotte Hall or Cool Spring Mill; also a house & lot in village of Charlotte Hall, which is subject ot annual ground rent & other restrictions imposed by trustees of Charlotte Hall School. Wit: Jas. H. Hancock, John F. Ticer. Certified 7 Aug 1868, recorded 15 Oct 1868. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JAC#3:240)

U.S. Stamp $2.00.  Deed of 10 Aug 1868 by Col. John H. Sothoron & Elizabeth M. Sothoron his wife, of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,000 they convey to Benjamin H. Sothoron of same county a tract partly in St. Mary's Co. & partly in Charles Co., known as Brotherhood, containing about 290 acres. Is a tract of land that Maj. James F. Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co. died seized & possessed, adjoining lands of L.H. Canter, Willie Burch & Philip Harrison. Signed by Jno. H. Sothoron & E.M. Sothoron. Wit: Geo. N. Alvey, Jas. H. Hancock. Certified 10 Aug 1868, recorded 15 Oct 1868. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JAC#3:241)


Col. John H. Sothoron et. ux. Elizabeth M., of St. Mary's Co., MD, convey to Benjamin H. Sothoron of same county, "Brotherhood" in Charles and St. Mary's Cos., MD, cont'g 290A, of which Maj. Jams F. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD died seized.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Land Record F4:100, drawn 7 Aug 1868)

U.S. Stamp $1.00.  Deed of 10 Aug 1868 by Benjamin H. Sothoron & Teresea (sic) Sothoron his wife, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,000 they convey to Samuel M. Hancock of Charles Co. about 1/2 of parcel called Brotherhood, lying in St. Mary's Co., beginning at crop roads near Philip Harrison & running with said road to intersection of L. H. Canter's land & being all of that part of said tract which lies on south side of said road, containing about 140 acres. Signed by B.H. Sothoron, & Teresea Sothoron by her mark. Wit: Geo. N. Alvey, Jos. H. Hancock. Certified 10 Aug 1868, recorded 15 Oct 1868. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records, JAC#3:242)

Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $3,000 conveys to Mary M. Hancock of same county the following property: all of part of school spring Mill plantation lying in 5th District, commencing at stone in branch on boundary between said property & William Burch Sr., running with lands of Horatio Canter until intersecting run from water power from the Mill, thence with said stream to stone on bank within 8 feet of peach tree, thence northwesterly to where stable now stands, including 1/2 of stable, thence with road to intersection with road passing through said farm from Charlotte Hall to William Burche's Sr., thence in straight line until intersecting land known as Fork Head, thence with said land to lands of William Burch, Sr., thence with said Burche's land to beginning, containing about 150 acres. Signed B.H. Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records, JFF#1:215)

Mortgage dated 5 Sept 1874 by Mary M. Hancock & Josias H. Hancock, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $3,000 for lands sold same date to Mary M. Hancock by Benjamin H. Sothoron. $375 to be paid to Benjamin H. Sothoron annually on 1 July 1875 through 1882, with interest annually from 1 Jan 1875. Signed Mary M. Hancock, Jos. H. Hancock. Wit: H. Clay Dent, H.C. Adams as to Jos. H. Hancock. Certified 5 & 8 Sept 1874, filed 8 Sept 1874. Mortgage released 21 Jan 1879 as being satisfied, by Jos. H. Hancock, admr. of B.H. Sothoron. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:216)

Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $6,000 conveys to E.H. Edwards & Joseph A. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. the following property: all that portion of School Spring Mill & plantation in 5th District, commencing at point in run which flows from the Water Wheel of said Mill, where it intersect with lands of Horatio Canter, thence up said run to stone within 8 feet of a peach tree on bank of said run, thence with line of Josias H. Hancock until intersecting main road to the Mill, thence with current fence around the Miller's house, thence with fence up the Mill race to main dam, including said dam, with all natural water courses thereto, up first stream running in southerly direction until intersecting lands of Charlotte Hall School, thence with said lands until intersection lands of Horatio Canter, thence with said Canter's lands to beginning, embracing the mill with all natural water courses thereto; about 50 acres. Signed B.H. Sothoron. Wit: H.C. Adams, B. Haris Camalier. Certified & recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:218)

Mortgage of 5 Sept 1874 by E.H. Edwards & wife Margaret, and Joseph A. Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $6,000 for lands sold them the same date by Benjamin H. Sothoron, to pay $750 annually on 1 July, from 1875 through 1882, with interest from 1 July 1875. Signed by E. H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph A. Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 & 8 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. Mortgage released, as having been satisfied, on 21 Jan 1879 by Jos. H. Hancock, admr. for B.H. Sothoron. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:219)

Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,500 conveys to John H. Sothoron of same county the following property: all of farm formerly occupied by Samuel Burroughs, called Brotherhood, partly in Charles & St. Mary's counties, on right side of public road from Charlotte Hall to Bryantown & to left of public road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict, containing about 150 acres. Signed by B.H. Sothoron, wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:221)

Mortgage of 5 Sept 1874 by John H. Sothoron & Isabella his wife, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,500 for lands sold them the same date by Benjamin H. Sothoron of same county. To pay Benjamin H. Sothoron $187.50 annually on 1 July, from 1875 through 1882, with interest from 1 July 1875. Signed by John H. Sothoron & Isabell Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 & 8 Sept 1875, recorded 8 Sept 1875. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:221)

See Land Records in Notes of son Benjamin for references to lands owned by Benjamin H. Sothoron; and those of son John H. relating to lands he inherited from his father (“Brotherhood”).

** Tax Assessment Records - District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD

1846 Assessment. Benjn. H. Sothoron. Slaves: 8; Livestock, etc. Name of lands: Sothoron’s Desire...? Total 4.192.   (Fenwick*)

1849 Assessment. B. H. Sothoron. Slaves: 8; Livestock, etc. Name of lands: Sothoron’s Desire...? Total 4.192   (Fenwick*)

B.H. Sothoron of Division 17, Charlotte Hall, MD was assessed a tax of $2.00 on 1 Pinaforte falued at 150.  (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List of May 1865, Pg 49, Ln 11)

B.H. Sothoron of Division 17, Charlotte Hall, MD was assessed a tax of $2.00 on 1 Pianoforte valued at 150.  (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List of May1866, Ln 34)

** Census schedules & directories

1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - pg 181, Benjamin H. Sothoron

Free white males under 5....1
10 - 14....1
30 - 39....1
females 5 - 9....1
10 - 14....1
30 - 39....1
Engaged in agriculture....5

1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.24) District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - pg 344A, Ln 33, 1536/1474

- Benjamin H. Sothoron, 37 year old male farmer, born in Charles Co..

-Teresa “ - 38 year old female, illiterate, born in Charles Co..

- John H. “ - 17 year old male, in school, born in Charles Co..

- Martha “ - 15 year old female, born in Charles Co..

- Cornelius “ - 13 year old male, in school, born in Charles Co.

- Mary M. “ - 12 year old female, in school, born in St. Mary’s Co.

- Charity “ - 10 year old female, in school, born in St. Mary’s Co.

- Joseph A. “ - 7 year old male, in school, born in St. Mary’s Co..

- Margaret “ - 5 year old female, in school, born in St. Mary’s Co.

- Emily “ - 2 year old female, born in St. Mary’s Co..

( “Color” was blank for all these entries)

B. H. Sothoran, livery, 249 7, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1854)

B. Sother, livery stable, 229 D, Washington.

B.H. Sothoran, livery, 249 7, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1856)

Benjamin H. Sothoron, livery stables, (Darnes & Sothoron), 192 Bridge, home same; Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1858)

1860 Slave Schedule (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.18) District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD - pg 65, Benj. H. Sothoron (O) had 5 slaves: 2 females aged 50 & 13; 3 males aged 23, 11 & 10; and 2 slave houses.

1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.20) Charlotte Hall, District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD - Pg 184 (1102), Ln 26, 1578/1494

- Benjn H. Sothoron - 48 year old male Farmer. Real property valued at $6,500, personal property at $4,000.

- Teresa “ - 50 year old female, occupation “W.”

- Benj. C. “ - 22 year old male Farmer.

- Charity “ - 19 year old female, occupation Sewing.

- Joseph “ - 16 year old male Farm hand, attended school this past year.

- Margaret “ - 13 year old female, attended school this past year.

- Emily “ - 11 year old female, attended school this past year.

( “Color” was blank for all these entries. Also, State of Birth is often blank)

Sothoron B H of Charlotte Hall, tax on Income of $422, rate 3, Claim A, Abstract No. 32, tax $12.66. Dist. 5, Maryland, for month of May 1864.  (* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists)

Sothoron, B.H. of Dist. 5, post office Charlotte Hall, MD was taxed for month of May 1865 for 1 Pinaforte, valued at 150, Class A, Abstract 267,tax of $2.00. (* - U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, pg 49) (* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists)

Sothoron, B.H. of Dist. 5, post office Charlotte Hall, MD was taxed for the month of May 1866 for 1 Pinafore, valued at 150, tax of $2.00. (* - U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, pg 75)

1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.05) Charlotte Hall, District 5, St. Mary’s Co., MD - Pg 30, Ln 17, 193/193

- Southern, Ben H. 60 year old white male Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $2,000, personal at $600. Can neither read nor write.

-----, Tracey. 60 year old white female, Keeping house, born in Maryland. Can neither read nor write.

-----, Benjamin C. 27 year old white male Farm Labourer, born in Maryland.

-----, Charity. 25 year old white female, at Home, born in Maryland. Can neither read nor write.

- Hancock, William. 32 year old white male Farmer, personal property valued at $400. Can neither read nor write.

-----, Emely. 23 year old white female, at Home, born in Maryland. Can neither read nor write.

- Burch, George. 62 year old white male Miller, born in Maryland

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

Benj. H Sothoron witnessed indenture between George & Cassandra Burroughs and John H. Sothoron on 29 July 1842; and between James F. Sothoron & James' son John H. on 19 Sept 1842 (see respective Notes).

John R. Sothoron & Benjamin H. Sothoron were jurors in a coroner’s inquest into the death of Hanson Burroughs, “...on public road near Thomas Wards. Died from the visitation of God.” (Knott* :21 {St. Mary’s County Court - Coroner’s Inquests}, 1843.11.21)

Henry Sothoron, B. H. Sothoron & Col. John H. Sothoron were with others appointed by the County Commissioners as part of an additional police force for Charlotte Hall District, with full rights and duties of regular police. (Chron St. Mary’s 12:#2 {St. Mary’s Beacon}, Reported 1862.01.09)

A list of Registered Voters for Charlotte Hall Dist. includes the following Sothoron given names/initials: Henry, Jos. A., M.S., W. H., B.H., H.C., W, & Jno. H. (St. Mary’s Beacon :1, Reported 1868.10.15)

A list of registered voters for Charlotte Hall (5th) District includes Sothoron family members Henry, Joseph A., J.H., Wm. H., B.H., H.C. and W. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1869.10.07)

** Death

Administrative Notice by Josias H. Hancock, administrator of Benjamin H. Sothoron, late of this county, deceased, to creditors of deceased to submit their claims with proper vouchers before 2 January 1878. All debtors are requested to make immediate restitution to the estate. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1877.07.26)

List of Dead & Removed voters for District 5 includes Benjamin H. Sothoron. (St. Mary’s Beacon :1, Reported 1877.10.11)


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.